29. jul 2014 – Politiken
Byen ligger i det centrale Albanien og er ikke helt let at komme til. Men for den tålmodige venter belønningen i det, der formentlig er Albaniens ældste by. Kirker, moskeer, paladser og fæstningsmure helt tilbage fra 12. og 13. århundrede og osmannisk arkitektur præger byen.
UNESCO skriver om byen:
Berat bears witness to a town which was fortified but open, and was over a long period inhabited by craftsmen and merchants. Its urban centre reflects a vernacular housing tradition of the Balkans, examples of which date mainly from the late 18th and the 19th centuries. This tradition has been adapted to suit the town’s life styles, with tiered houses on the slopes, which are predominantly horizontal in layout, and make abundant use of the entering daylight.